I love museums and air conditioning and structure and rules and check boxes. My son thrives outdoors. When he had a minor cold, I took him in the backyard to bask in the sunshine. He seemed to forget about his problems as he ran laps,...
Originally written in December 2021, but I stand by every word of it today. This is the sixth Christmas since I became a mother. It is the first Christmas since I became a mother that I haven’t been in survival mode. The reasons for the...
I frequently hear moms worry about being behind. I’ve fallen prey to that idea myself. Comparison is seductive. It sucks us into a vortex of doubt and self-condemnation. How do we fight feeling behind? Feeling as if we are behind is understandable, really. We all want...
Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me. Why, you might ask? Because I don’t want to homestead. Not one little bit. But I do want to homeschool. In fact, I already do homeschool, and I simply adore it. When it comes to...
“Laura, I didn’t know you could sing!” My twelve year old sister sounded surprised to hear me singing karaoke with her in my living room. Her revelation hit me like a sucker punch to the gut. After taking a moment to gather my wits, I...
A New Way to Schedule: Planning Your Homeschool Day with Young Children
posted by: Laura Adams
August 5, 2021
Homeschool planning with young children looks different from homeschool planning with more independent children. I’m in a few different Facebook groups for moms who are homeschooling young children, and some of the same challenges come up over and over again. “How do you homeschool with...
Our Curriculum Selections for Kindergarten and Preschool (2021-2022)
posted by: Laura Adams
July 22, 2021
We’re looking forward to beginning our 2021-2022 school year in mid-August. Choosing kindergarten curriculum has been fun, since it’s the first year of “official school.” This year I’ll have a kindergartener, a preschooler, and a 1 year old. Yes, it is a party at my...
Children need good literature. Our current read aloud is Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne. We read it before a couple years ago, but I can tell my boys are enjoying the humor more now. C.S. Lewis once said, “A children’s story that can only be enjoyed...
When I was in college, I read Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain and knew I had found my people. Tucked in an out of the way corner of the library, taking refuge from the bustling...
“What do you think would be fun to do this summer?” I ask my three and five year old boys. My sons are old enough to contribute ideas now. I take up my pencil and scribble their rapid fire suggestions. One green-eyed boy wants to...