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When I was in college, I read Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain and knew I had found my people. Tucked in an out of the way corner of the library, taking refuge from the bustling campus of 12,000 people, I devoured the book, nodding along to each chapter.
Earlier this year, I ordered a copy of Quiet to keep in my permanent collection. I began to re-read it. Much to my dismay, I no longer identified with it the way that I once did.
Am I….an extrovert?
A friend asked me what I had been up to this summer. I rattled off a long list of things: weddings, vacations, church services, visiting family, meeting up with old friends, and attempting to rebuild my wardrobe after three babies.
“I’m so glad you’re getting out,” she said. “I know it was a long year.”
It was SUCH a long year. Now my calendar is packed. Am I truly an extrovert? I muse. Or am I just making up for lost time?
I hashed out this situation with another friend, lamenting how I’m different from how I once was.
“But of course you are,” she said. “Nobody stays stagnant forever. Everybody changes as they experience new things and get older.”
So perhaps this is how the pandemic has affected me – I’m passing for an extrovert these days.
Will wonders never cease?
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