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My oldest child is turning five later this spring, which means that I’m staring down the advent of the Big Kid Era. Furthermore, my middle child just recently potty trained, so he’s also starting to seem more like a big kid. I’ve learned a lot about many things since I became a mother…but especially about baby products. There are two main categories of baby products: things that I wish I had invested in sooner, and things that I owned and loved from the beginning.
Regrets, or Things I Should Have Bought in the Beginning:
First, Cute Maternity Clothes!
The first investment begins before the baby even arrives, and that is maternity clothes. To be specific, I wish I had bought maternity clothes that made me feel cute. I made various excuses for why I didn’t. I was (and am) an unusual size, I’d only wear them for a few months, and on and on it went.
After gaining some life experience, now I think that feeling cute while pregnant is highly valuable, and anything that helps achieve that goal is worth the investment. It is NOT frivolous.
Second, a Good Quality Baby Carrier
All three of my children have loved being held. I held two of them nearly constantly until they could crawl, and I held the other nearly constantly until he could walk. The latter is still my most cuddly child.
I didn’t invest in an Ergo in the beginning because they were expensive. When my second child was about 10 months old, I found a used Ergo for about half price. As soon as I tried it, I regretted my former frugality. My back would’ve thanked me if I’d made the investment sooner.
Ergos are high quality and last forever. Even though I’m the second owner of mine, it’s been going strong for two years.
No Ragrets, or Things That I Did Buy and Thoroughly Enjoyed:
First, Sophie the Giraffe
A friend gave us a Sophie as a shower gift. Sophie was my oldest son’s favorite baby toy. He teethed on her. He clutched her in his little hands. She accompanied him everywhere he went. Sophie is pricey because she is manufactured in France from natural rubber, but she is worth it.
Second, a Pack-n-Play
A family member bought a pack-n-play for us, and it has been heavily used. I prefer to have my babies sleep in the same room, but in a separate bed. My daughter currently sleeps in a crib, but we still use the pack-n-play when we travel.
Third, a Portable High Chair
Portable high chairs are highly useful while traveling to relatives’ homes. I also use them at home for the toddler once I need to start using the big high chair for the baby. #oldersiblingproblems
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