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Some of my most frequently asked questions are regarding schedules and routines. Establishing a good little kid homeschool routine can make the entire household run more smoothly.
Homeschooling multiple little kids is not for the faint of heart! My kids and I all thrive on some structure. We are not rigid about it, but our days have an order and a flow to them.
I have listed all of my little kid routine posts here in one convenient location. I included my children’s ages at the time the posts were written for reference.
How to Homeschool with a Baby and a Toddler – ages 4, 2, and 3 months
Remember that unschooling a 4 year old is also a perfectly valid option, but if you are interested in starting a gently structured homeschool routine, this is the place to start. We were doing this routine in summer 2020 when there weren’t many other options to pass the time.
Our Homeschool Routine with a Preschooler, a Toddler, and a Baby – ages 4, 2, and 7 months
The routine changes once you have a baby who is mobile! This post reflects that life change.
A New Way to Schedule: Planning Your Homeschool Day with Young Children – ages 5, 3, and 14 months
I could have also titled this post “How to Plan Your Life When You Are Always Drowning.” It was written during an intensive time of life for me. However, I think it could also be helpful in situations where you just have a lot of little people.
How to Homeschool with a Kindergartener, a Preschooler, and a Toddler – ages 5, almost 4, and 19 months
Again we changed schedules because of the youngest, who at this point could walk and only took one nap. I spent a couple of months in denial that those facts should change what I was doing. Foolish, foolish decision. Accepting the changed reality went a long way.
Our Homeschool Routine with a 1st Grader, a Preschooler, and a Toddler – ages 6, 4, and 2
I thought this routine felt chaotic when I was doing it, and now my life is even more chaotic. But God sustains us day by day.
I hope this gives you some ideas as you develop your own little kid homeschool routine!
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