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Homeschooling is hard work. Homeschooling is joyous. Both are true, but today I want to share some of my recent joys.
My son’s speed and independence in his addition and subtraction facts has increased dramatically over the summer. I want to always remember him curling up next to me on the couch, putting his arm around me, and working on his math.
We’ve been learning the Doxology and Come Thou Fount with our Claritas memory work. As my children learn the lyrics, I learn how to accompany them on the piano. I do not play hymns well, but hearing their voices ring out above my feeble chords is a holy moment.
I’ve learned more about writing and SEO and marketing. I’ve made friends with others in my niche and gleaned from their wisdom.
We’ve taken weekly treks to the library, checking out 50 books or so each time. My sons are reading more and more from their library books on their own.
They’ve made connections on their own, so many connections. A crow flapped by in the back yard and let out a caw.
“That sounds like my bird book!” my six year old said.
Later, a summer storm rumbled through the late afternoon. The thunder clapped with a vengeance. My son said it sounded like the timpani in Peter and the Wolf.
When we watched Elf, they could pick up that one of the songs came from The Nutcracker, and they knew Tchaikovsky composed it.
These are all small things, but they inspire me to press on and continue the work set out for me.
I love that you are learning hymns together and playing them on the piano. What a beautiful time to spend together.
Homeschooling Tips from A to Z for 2022: The Letter K - Homeschooling Highway
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