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A local preschooler planted a garden and discovered a passion for plants. In March, he planted five sets of seeds on his back porch in containers. Only one set of the original seeds died.
Zack Adams, 4, told his mother that he “loves plants and wants to be a gardener.” Laura Adams homeschools Zack and his brother and believes in pursuing their interests.
“I have no gardening skills whatsoever, but I guess we’ll figure it out,” the elder Adams said.
The family began their foray into the world of gardening by asking their friends what the most idiot-proof plant is. After acquiring seeds from the local Walmart and some containers from a generous benefactor, known to Zack as “Papa,” the pair planted their seeds.
“I used potting mix. It’s dirt,” explained the younger Adams. He scooped it out into his containers by hand. One container held cilantro seeds. The other held lettuce seeds.
Two hours after the planting, he asked if the plants had sprouted yet. They had not.
Three hours later, he asked if the plants had sprouted again. They had not.
After seven days and nights of watchful waiting, the sprouts emerged. Life lessons learned from the experience include patience, perseverance, and a willingness to eat vegetables.
The two plants lived on his mother’s bedroom windowsill for the first two weeks of their lives. The lettuce met an early demise after being dumped by an unnamed person three times. The cilantro held fast to its title of The Plant Who Lived, but didn’t want to push its luck. The entire project relocated to the back porch, where it can enjoy loving admiration in safety. Several additional plants in containers have since joined the family.
Zack documents his progress on social media. In his most recent video, he informed his mother’s Facebook friends that his lettuce is coming along nicely.
“It’s gonna grow up to be a salad,” he told the viewers.
His mother is enjoying the project in spite of herself.
“I’m thankful for my kids pushing me out of my comfort zone. I would have never gardened without my son’s input. Now the plants are multiplying,” she chuckled.
At press time, the initial collection of two small plant containers had expanded to seven actively growing plants, innumerable seed packets, six large terracotta pots, two small terracotta pots, and a tomato tower. A raised bed is in the works.
When asked his favorite part about gardening, Zack stated that “I started loving all the parts about gardening.”
The younger Adams dreams of raising his own chickens, but they are prohibited by the homeowner’s association.
His mother is okay with that.
This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series “Breaking News”.
Wishing the real-world news was more like this.
Lydia McKinney
That’s my wonderful, intelligent, amazing, enthusiastic nephew right there! Living the proud aunt life 🙂
The Weeds are Easier - Laura McKinney Adams
[…] my 4 year old and I harvest lettuce, cilantro, and radishes. That bounty didn’t just happen. We researched, purchased […]