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Dandelions sprout in my yard at an alarming speed. I do nothing to make this happen. They appear of their own free will, dotting my lawn with their bright yellow presence.
Meanwhile, my 4 year old and I harvest lettuce, cilantro, and radishes. That bounty didn’t just happen. We researched, purchased seeds and potting mix, planted them, watered them, and made a general fuss over them. Then, and only then, did they turn out the way we wanted.
The weeds are easier.
And as I’ve planted and watered and harvested, I’ve thought about how parenting is much the same. It’s easy to let a bad attitude or disobedience slide. It’s hard to do the work of discipleship. But the fruit of discipleship is sweet, and the fruit of laziness is bitter.
The work is worth it.
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